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Let's Live in KIKO with us !!

Three strong points

​1.Global meets local

Can interact with locals and foreigners.
There are staff who can speak Japanese and English.

​2.Bilingual staffs

2.Always clean

The staff who cleans the guest house are enrolled.
The guest house(beds, lounges, showers, toilets, etc.) is cleaned every day.

3.Always clean



You only have to pay the rent (39000 yen per month).

Excluding public expenses, please contact us for details.
No need to pay security deposit, key money, penalty, utilities and water bills.


Available from short stay to long stay.

Can be contracted every month.
 ex) It is also possible to stay while searching for an apartment.

Voices of residents

KIKO was great because I could make my own time. There are two lounges, so if you want to spend your time quietly, use the one that is available.
In the kitchen, we could make a lot of what we wanted to make, and it was fun to eat together and have many events. It was very comfortable, like one house. I want to come again!
Mr. V​
Stay for three months

​About KIKO

3.Always clean


16 minute walk from Sendai station.

3.Always clean

Surrounding environment

   convenience store        2 minute walk
supermarket (SEIYU)     8 minute walk
    ramen shop               3 minute walk
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仙台のゲストハウス - Hostel KIKO -

〒984-0074 宮城県仙台市若林区東七番丁1−15

1-15 Higashishichiban-cho, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 984-0074, Japan

TEL:代表070-8459-6528(17:00-22:00のみ) 緊急090-8374-1779 (不在時必ず留守電を残してください)

Copyright © Hostel KIKO All Rights Reserved.

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